I started the project by thinking of an idea. I decided to make a product that allows you to have a pet penguin. Once I had my product idea, I created the template and added the bleed. I started by choosing my type palette and colors. Then, I created a logo and added artwork and copy. Finally, I added color chips and a barcode.
For my label, I continued the same colors and fonts. I created a mandala that was good for my palette and changed the opacity until it was to my satisfaction. Once it was good, I placed it on the label.
For the 3D revolve, I spent a lot of time creating the bottle I wanted. Then, I created the boxes and revolved them until I was happy with it's appearance.
What I Learned
I learned how to use symbols and create a 3D revolve. I learned about bleed lines and how much work goes into carton design. I learned about color chips. I learned about the process of creating a product.
Favorite Part
My favorite part was incorporating the mandalas into my product. I enjoyed tying two separate things together.
I also liked creating a product and a logo. It was fun thinking of ideas and it was fun to create a logo for my own product.
I also enjoyed creating a color and type palette. My inspiration for the colors was the colors of the penguins. I didn't want my product to just be black and white, so I chose pink because African Penguins have pink around their eye.
Problem Solving
My biggest problem was deciding what would go on each panel. I tried out different ideas until I was happy with how it looked.
I also had trouble creating a bottle for the 3D revolve. It wasn't looking like I wanted to at first, but once I manipulated it, I was very happy with how it turned out.
Although I enjoyed it, I also had difficulty choosing a color palette. I wanted my product to be more than just black and white, so I chose pink based on the African Penguin's most unique feature.